Saturday, September 15, 2007

The I-171H

If you want to read the details of the next document we need to process
for the adoption of our daughter, read on...
The I-171H: “Notice of Favorable Determination Concerning Application
for Advance Processing of an Orphan Petition”
This form is the U.S. Government’s approval for your family to adopt a child internationally. When we filed the I-600A form, we were applying to receive the I-171H. The I-171H is the last document to complete our dossier. Most families receive their I-171H within 90 days of CIS
receiving their I-600A with all supporting documents, fingerprints, and
favorable Home Study report.
The I-171H form will list our names as “Petitioner” and “Petitioner’s
Spouse” and include our address and date of filing and completion. The
I-171H form has an expiration date of 18 months from the time of
completion. We will need the I-171H for our dossier; however we will
not use the original form for our dossier. The original I-171H will be
carried with us to China. To prepare the I-171H for our dossier:
· Make a copy of the original I-171H form.
· Attach a notarial statement to the I-171H, stating that the attached
form is a true copy of the original.
· The notarial statement is the document you are actually having notarized. Take the I-171H with the notarial statement attached to a notary.
· If our fingerprint expiration dates are included on a separate page from the actual I-171H, make a photocopy of the fingerprint page for our dossier. Attach this to the notarial statement and photocopy of the
We must keep the original to take with us to China. The completion date on the I-171H cannot be more than 9 months old when our dossier is sent to China. The I-171H is only good for 18 months from the date of completion. If the I-171H expires before we travel, then we must renew it.

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